Diana | Alfaro | Administrative Specialist | | | (870) 584-1114 | dalfaro@cccua.edu |
Chantal | Alonso | Admissions, Recruitment, & International Student Advisor | Admissions | | (870) 584-1107 | calonso@cccua.edu |
Jazmin | Amenzola | Financial Aid Receptionist | | | (870) 584-1120 | jamenzola@cccua.edu |
Karen | Arbuckle | Science Faculty | | | (870) 584-1212 | karbuckle@cccua.edu |
Carolyn | Armstrong | Business Education Instructor | | | (870) 584-1339 | carmstrong@cccua.edu |
Jimmy | Arnold | Part Time Instructor-General Education | | | (870) 584-1140 | Jarnold@cccua.edu |
Stan | Asumnu | Athletic Director, Head Mens and Womens Basketball Coach | | | (870) 584-1145 | sasumnu@cccua.edu |
Ashley | Aylett | Vice Chancellor of Academics | | | (870) 584-1125 | aaylett@cccua.edu |
Wes | Aylett | Part-Time Faculty | | | | waylett@cccua.edu |
Bailey Ward | Bailey Ward | Career Coach for DeQueen High School | | | | bward@cccua.edu |
Rachel | Barfield | Admissions, Recruitment, Accommodations, & Success Coach | | | (870) 584-1337 | rbarfield@cccua.edu |
Leah | Beall | English Faculty | | | 870-584-1126 | lbeall@cccua.edu |
Jennifer | Black | Grant Administrator | | | (870) 584-1141 | jblack@cccua.edu |
Brett | Blackburn | Science Faculty | | | (870) 584-1124 | bblackburn@cccua.edu |
Erika | Buenrrostro | Coordinator of the Center for Student Success | | | (870) 584-1133 | ebuenrrostro@cccua.edu |
Jon | Bunyard | College Relations | | | (870) 584-1175 | jbunyard@cccua.edu |
Michelle | Burrell | Workforce Development Coordinator | Continuing Education | | 870-584-1136 | mburrell@cccua.edu |
Kimberly | Buss | Part-Time Clinical Instructor Medical Education | | | (870) 584-1210 | kbuss@cccua.edu |
Hollie | Chaytor | High School Programs PIM Grant English Learner Advisor | | | | hchaytor@cccua.edu |
Sarah | Chesshir | Division Chair for Professional & Technical Programs | | | (870) 584-1338 | schesshir@cccua.edu |
Monica | Clark | Financial Aid Specialist | | | (870) 584-1364 | mclark@cccua.edu |
Debora | Clark | Paraprofessional | | | (870) 584-1345 | dclark@cccua.edu |
Brenda | Clift | Part-Time Faculty | | | | bclift@cccua.edu |
Terra | Cobb | Adjunct Faculty | | | | tmcobb@cccua.edu |
Steve | Cole | Chancellor | | | (870) 584-1173 | scole@cccua.edu |
Tammy | Coleman | Director of Public Services and Workforce Development | | | (870) 584-1149 | tcoleman@cccua.edu |
Mary | Collom | Business Instructor | | | (870) 584-1477 | mcollom@cccua.edu |
Christina | Cooper | Medical Education Advisor | | | (870) 584-1154 | ccooper@cccua.edu |
Thom | Copeland | POWER Grant Director | | | 870-584-1144 | tcopeland@cccua.edu |
Noelle | Couch | Administrative Specialist III | | | (870) 584-1321 | ncouch@cccua.edu |
Houston | Crow | Faculty | Physical Therapist Assistant Program | | 870-584-1498 | hcrow@cccua.edu |
Jason | Curtis | Public Safety/ Police Officer | | | (870) 584-1476 | jcurtis@cccua.edu |
Rod | Dancer | Instituitional Services Assistant | | | (870) 584-1485 | rdancer@cccua.edu |
Leslie | Daniels | Case Manager | | | (870) 584-1153 | ldaniels@cccua.edu |
Floyd | Davis | Maintenance | | | (870) 584-1109 | fdavis@cccua.edu |
Annette | Davis | Custodial Shift Supervisor | | | (870) 584-1168 | adavis@cccua.edu |
Sunni | Davis | Adjunct Faculty | | | | sdavis@cccua.edu |
Jimmy | Davis | Adjunct Faculty | | | | jdavis@cccua.edu |
Kimberly | Dickerson | Division Chair of Medical Education | | | (870) 584-1147 | kdickerson@cccua.edu |
Salina | Dixon | Nashville ERC Tutor | | | (870) 584-1326 | sdixon@cccua.edu |
Ashley | Dougherty | Business Faculty | | | (870) 584-1411 | adougherty@cccua.edu |
Shane | Dougherty | Professional Studies Adjunct Faculty | | | | sdougherty@cccua.edu |
Stuart | Dufrene | Welding Faculty | | | (870) 584-1348 | sdufrene@cccua.edu |
Robert | Duggan | Adjunct Faculty | | | (870) 584-1182 | rduggan@cccua.edu |
Gina | Duncan | Workforce Education Center Coordinator | | | (870) 584-1467 | gduncan@cccua.edu |
Misti | Eudy | Student Activities Coordinator | Center for Student Success | | 870-584-1176 | meudy@cccua.edu |
Bobby | Foley | Ashdown Testing Proctor | | | 870-584-1466 | bfoley@cccua.edu |
Maressa | Foster | Academic Advisor for OTA & PTA Programs | | | (870) 584-1461 | mfoster@cccua.edu |
Tanya | Fox | Cafe Clerk | | | (870) 584-1162 | tfox@cccua.edu |
Lisa | Frady | Life Sciences Adjunct Faculty | | | | lfrady@cccua.edu |
Kaytlynn | Franklin | Administrative Assistant for High School Programs | | | (870) 584-1344 | kfranklin@cccua.edu |
Bruce | Franklin | Faculty | | | (870) 584-1111 | bfranklin@cccua.edu |
De Queen | Front Desk | Front Desk Receptionist | | | (870) 584-1155 | DQFrontDesk@cccua.edu |
Jocelin | Galvez | Registrar | | | (870) 584-1163 | jgalvez@cccua.edu |
Katy | Garcia | Financial Aid Specialist | | | (870) 584-1148 | kgarcia@cccua.edu |
Wendy | Garcia | Administrative Assistant to the Chancellor | | | (870) 584-1139 | wgarcia@cccua.edu |
Debora | Gatlin | HR & Payroll Assistant | | | (870) 584-1190 | dgatlin@cccua.edu |
Gina | Goss | Administrative Specialist I | | | (870) 584-1214 | ggoss@cccua.edu |
Alicia | Griffin | Adjunct Faculty | | | | agriffin@cccua.edu |
Jordan | Guillory | Biology & Education Faculty, Education Program Advisor | | | | jguillory@cccua.edu |
Robert | Guillory | Biology Faculty | | | (870) 584-1330 | rguillory@cccua.edu |
Shasta | Guinn | Mathematics Instructor/Part-Time | | | (870) 584-1205 | sguinn@cccua.edu |
Dennis | Guzman | Social Media Specialist | College Relations | | (870) 584-1356 | dguzman@cccua.edu |
Haley | Hadaway | Psychology Instructor | | | (870) 584-1491 | hhadaway@cccua.edu |
Haley | Hamilton | Adjunct Faculty | Physical Therapist Assistant Program | | 870-584-1499 | hhamilton@cccua.edu |
Denise | Hammond | Director of Financial Aid | | | (870) 584-1118 | dhammond@cccua.edu |
Tony | Hargrove | Director of Information Systems Support | | | (870) 584-1165 | thargrove@cccua.edu |
Sabrina | Harner | Accounts Payable | | | (870) 584-1142 | swhisenhunt@cccua.edu |
Kelli | Harris | Agriculture Faculty | | | (870) 584-1218 | kharris@cccua.edu |
Chris | Hawthorne | Nashville Testing Proctor | | | 870-584-1326 | chawthorne@cccua.edu |
Tamla | Heminger | OTA Program Director | | | (870) 584-1496 | theminger@cccua.edu |
Stacey | Hensley | Nursing Director | | | (870) 584-1323 | shensley@cccua.edu |
Lesly | Hernandez | ALIGN-PT Tutor/Resource Assistant | | | (870) 584-1191 | lhernandez@cccua.edu |
Addison | Hill | Career Coach at Centerpoint High School | | | | ahill@cccua.edu |
Kaylynn | Hill | Administrative Specialist | | | (870) 584-1137 | khill@cccua.edu |
Justin | Hinman | Head Mens & Womens Soccer Coach | | | 870-584-1183 | jhinman@cccua.edu |
Loren | Hinton | Radio Manager | | | (870) 584-1179 | lhinton@cccua.edu |
Carolin | Hockersmith | RN Clinical Coordinator | | | (870) 584-1335 | chockersmith@cccua.edu |
Sheila | Holcombe | Human Resources Administrative Specialist | | | (870) 584-1164 | sholcombe@cccua.edu |
Dawn | Humphry | Adult Educator | | | (870) 584-1394 | dhumphry@cccua.edu |
Leslie | Hunt | Career Services Coordinator | Career Services | | 870-584-1150 | lhunt@cccua.edu |
Crystal | Hunter | Director of Career Pathways | | | (870) 584-1119 | cbell@cccua.edu |
Waco | Jackson | Cont. Education Medical & Safety Coordinator | | | (870) 584-1101 | wjackson@cccua.edu |
Charlene | Jewell | Adult Education Instructor | | | (870) 584-1193 | cjewell@cccua.edu |
Charlotte | Johnson | Vice Chancellor for Business Finance, CFO | | | (870) 584-1115 | cjohnson@cccua.edu |
Madelyn | Jones | Foundation and Advancement Director | College Relations | | (870) 584-1172 | mjones@cccua.edu |
Cole | Jones | Desktop and Network Technician | | | (870) 584-1161 | cjones@cccua.edu |
Tiana | Kelly | Skilled/Tech Advisor | | | (870) 584-1138 | tkelly@cccua.edu |
Ryan | Kesterson | DISS Technician | | | (870) 584-1130 | rkesterson@cccua.edu |
Mike | Kinkade | Vice Chancellor of Facilities and Planning | | | (870) 584-1320 | mkinkade@cccua.edu |
Lakisha Jones | Lakisha Jones | Nashville Campus Police Officer | Campus Security | | 870-584-1392 | ljones@cccua.edu |
Laura Riddle | Laura Riddle | Adjunct Faculty | | | | lriddle@cccua.edu |
Lauren Wishard | Lauren Wishard | Admissions Assistant & DeQueen Receptionist | Admissions | | 870-584-1155 | lwishard@cccua.edu |
Henriellen | Lawrence | Part-Time Faculty | | | | hlawrence@cccua.edu |
Beverly | Litchford | JAG Coach | | | (870) 584-1103 | blitchford@cccua.edu |
Eda | Lopez | Assistant to Chief Academic Officer | | | (870) 584-1151 | elopez@cccua.edu |
Mary | Lowrey | Part-Time Faculty | | | | mlowrey@cccua.edu |
Lance | Lowrey | Faculty--Mathematics | | | (870) 584-1157 | llowrey@cccua.edu |
Melissa | Lutz | Adult Education Faculty | | | (870) 584-1185 | mlutz@cccua.edu |
Michelle | Martin | Medical Education Faculty | | | (870) 584-1309 | mmartin@cccua.edu |
Cynthia | Mason | General Education Adjunct Faculty | | | | cmason@cccua.edu |
Ashley | Maya | Purchasing Specialist | Business Office | | 870-584-1121 | amaya@cccua.edu |
Sheila | McCandless | Student Services Assistant | | | (870) 584-1486 | smccandless@cccua.edu |
Melissa | McCoy | LPN Clinical Coordinator | | | (870) 584-1492 | mmccoy@cccua.edu |
Arwen | McDaniel | Academic Fieldwork Coordinator- OTA Program | | | (870) 584-1409 | amcdaniel@cccua.edu |
Brenda | Mera Leon | FWS-Extra Help/Workforce Development | | | (870) 584-1186 | bmeraleon@cccua.edu |
Faith | Miller | Tutor/ Resource Assistant | | | (870) 584-1341 | fmiller@cccua.edu |
Sarina | Minton | Part-Time Faculty | | | (870) 584-1206 | sminton@cccua.edu |
Tammy | Morton | Financial Aid Specialist | Financial Aid | | 870-584-1128 | tmorton@cccua.edu |
Tabetha | Nguyen | Faculty | | | (870) 584-1350 | tnguyen@cccua.edu |
Holly | Norman | Student Services Advisor | | | (870) 584-1470 | hnorman@cccua.edu |
Sam | Nutt | Instructor | | | (870) 584-1204 | snutt@cccua.edu |
Angel | Olguin | JAG Coach | | | 870-584-1123 | aolguin@cccua.edu |
Heather | Orr | Director of Clinical Education | Physical Therapist Assistant Program | | (870) 584-1487 | hnorr@cccua.edu |
Veronica | Ozura | Director of Economic Development for Sevier County | | | 870-584-1184 | vozura@cccua.edu |
Hadley | Philamlee | Agriculture Program Recruiter | Agriculture | | 870-584-1174 | hphilamlee@cccua.edu |
Kelly | Plunk | Human Resources Director | | | (870) 584-1104 | kplunk@cccua.edu |
Angela | Powers | DeQueen ERC Tutor | Educational Resource Center | | 870-584-1191 | apowers@cccua.edu |
Kiersten | Priddy | Career Services Administrative Assistant | Career Services | | | kpriddy@cccua.edu |
Tiffany | Ragland | Student Accounts Officer | | | (870) 584-1113 | tragland@cccua.edu |
Diana | Ramirez | Financial Aid Specialist | | | (870) 584-1112 | dramirez@cccua.edu |
Barry | Reed | Director of Ashdown/Lockesburg Operations | | | (870) 584-1462 | reedb@cccua.edu |
Alejandra | Resendiz | Career Coach at Horatio High School | | | | aresendiz@cccua.edu |
Julie | Rhodes | Director of High School Programs | | | (870) 584-1343 | jrhodes@cccua.edu |
Kathy | Richards | Medical Education Faculty | | | (870) 584-1170 | krichards@cccua.edu |
Stephanie | Ringgold | Adjunct Faculty | | | (870) 584-1480 | sringgold@cccua.edu |
Teresa | Root | Paraprofessional | | | (870) 584-1474 | troot@cccua.edu |
Barbara | Rosson | Adult Education Instructor | | | | brosson@cccua.edu |
Kitreena | Russell | Admissions & Recruitment | | | 870-584-1307 | krussell@cccua.edu |
Relinda | Ruth) | Director of Educational Resources & OER Specialist | | | (870) 584-1181 | rruth@cccua.edu |
Jennifer | Sanderson | Program Director | Physical Therapist Assistant Program | | (870) 584-1497 | jsanderson@cccua.edu |
Celeste | Scarborough | Part-Time Faculty | | | | cscarborough@cccua.edu |
Rachel | Servante | Receptionist | | | (870) 584-1211 | rservante@cccua.edu |
Joshua | Servante | Medical Program Technician | Medical | | 870-584-1180 | jservante@cccua.edu |
Hanna | Sharp | Intake Specialist | | | (870) 584-1169 | hsharp@cccua.edu |
Sharon | Shelton | Part-Time Faculty | | | | sshelton@cccua.edu |
Natalie | Sherman | Career Coach at Nashville High School | | | | nsherman@cccua.edu |
Candace | Silva | Part-Time Factulty | | | | csilva@cccua.edu |
Crystal | Sims | Division Chair of General Education | | | (870) 584-1134 | csims@cccua.edu |
Jo | Stanton | Adjunct Faculty | | | | jstanton@cccua.edu |
Matthew | Stevens | Cybersecurity Faculty | | | 870-584-1336 | mstevens@cccua.edu |
Shawna | Stinnett | Director of Institutional Research & Assessment | | | (870) 584-1158 | sstinnett@cccua.edu |
Monte | Stringfellow | Campus Police Officer | | | (870) 584-1116 | mstringfellow@cccua.edu |
Brenda | Stuart-Howell | Adjunct Faculty | | | | bhowell@cccua.edu |
Scott | Surber | Industrial Technology Faculty | | | | ssurber@cccua.edu |
Morgan | Sweeden | YouthBuild Pathway Advisor | Youthbuild | | 870-584-1109 | msweeden@cccua.edu |
Nona | Talley | Part-Time Faculty | | | | ntalley@cccua.edu |
Randy | Thompson | Industrial Technology Faculty | | | (870) 584-1202 | rthompson@cccua.edu |
Kay | Thornton | Receptionist | | | (870) 584-1460 | kthornton@cccua.edu |
Nancy | Tollett | Continuing Education Coordinator | | | (870) 584-1178 | ntollett@cccua.edu |
Kay | Trotta | Medical Education Faculty | | | (870) 584-1122 | ktrotta@cccua.edu |
Vanessa Weeks | Vanessa Weeks | Director of Economic Development for Howard County | | | 870-584-1358 | vweeks@cccua.edu |
Jackie | Walters | Payroll Services Specialist | | | (870) 584-1129 | jwalters@cccua.edu |
Suzanne | Ward | Director of Student Services | | | (870) 584-1143 | sward@cccua.edu |
Toni | Wartinger | Testing Center Coordinator | | | (870) 584-1131 | twartinger@cccua.edu |
Jim | Washburn | Snap E&T Coordinator | | | (870) 584-1349 | jwashburn@cccua.edu |
Alexandra | Webb | Adjunct Faculty | | | | awebb@cccua.edu |
Lindsey | White | Adjunct Faculty | | | | lwhite@cccua.edu |
LaDonna | White | Career Coach at Kirby High School | | | (870) 584-4471 | lawhite@cccua.edu |
Stacy | White | Adjunct Faculty | | | (870) 584-1351 | swhite@cccua.edu |
Travis | Wilkerson | Psychology Instructor | | | | twilkerson@cccua.edu |
Jason | Williamson | Adjunct Faculty | | | | jwilliamson@cccua.edu |
Toyia | Witherspoon | Cosmetology Faculty | | | (870) 584-1346 | twitherspoon@cccua.edu |
Ethan | Wolcott | POWER Grant Project Coordinator | Financial | | 870-584-1182 | ewolcott@cccua.edu |
Rhonda | Wood | Part-Time Faculty | | | | rwood@cccua.edu |
Brandi | Woods | Intake/Assessment Specialist | | | (870) 584-1318 | bwoods@cccua.edu |
Jackie | Wright | Part-Time Faculty | | | | jwright@cccua.edu |
Lauren | Young | Academic Advisor/Faculty | | | (870) 584-1177 | elyoung@cccua.edu |
Linda | Young | Career Pathways Advisor | | | (870) 584-1328 | lyoung@cccua.edu |