UA Cossatot Names Aylett to Vice Chancellor

According to UA Cossatot Chancellor Dr. Steve Cole, Ashley Aylett has been named as the Vice Chancellor of Academics. 

“Our college was very fortunate to have so many qualified applicants for this position,” said Cole.  “I am confident that Ashley will exceed expectations; she has a deep understanding of the role of academics in a community college setting.”  

Aylett, a native of Athens, earned her Bachelors of Business Administration and her Masters of Business Administration from Henderson State University.  She is currently enrolled in the Community College Leadership doctoral program through University of Arkansas- Fayetteville. 

“I’m excited to tackle my new role,” said Aylett.  “Since I have been an instructor for years, I am fully aware of the needs of faculty.  I am looking forward to representing UA Cossatot in the state and beyond.” 

  Aylett has worked at UA Cossatot for eight years serving as a business instructor and previously worked at Husqvarna as an accountant.  She is married to Wes and they have a daughter Adalie, 6 years, and a son Cash, 2 years and live in Ashdown.